Grade: Brevet 9-1
Mrs. Nada AbiSamra
American Community School
December/January 01-02
Written Presentation
Table Of Contents
Outline ----------------------------------- 02
Purpose ---------------------------------- 11
Introduction ----------------------------- 12
Facts -------------------------------------- 13
Analysis ---------------------------------- 18
Conclusion ------------------------------- 22
References ------------------------------ 23
Appendix --------------------------------- 25
purpose of this presentation is to inform my fellow classmates about the
different aspects of murder. I would also like to relate my topic to their
every day lives and suggest ways to prevent it in Lebanon. I chose this
topic because it is an interesting one that many people do not feel comfortable
talking about.
by definition, is the crime of unlawfully killing a person brutally.
occurs all around the world by cruel, psychologically challenged people.
are many types of murder, and each has its own consequence.
main murder categories include mass murder, serial killing, honor killing,
and child murder.
Mass murder is the act of killing a large amount of people by the same
person, or group of people.
of Mass Murder: There
are two types of mass murderers, which include family annihilators, and
disgruntled workers. These two types all have one thing in common; the
killers committing these crimes are declared legally insane.
reasons: common reasons
for mass murderers to attack are unemployment, loneliness, family breakup,
and low self-esteem.
murderers usually attack schools, universities and restaurants believing
them to be ideal places to kill many people at once.
mass murderers commit suicide after their first attack.
An example of a mass murderer is Belle Gunness, who is famous for slaying
fourteen men who wanted to marry her. She then faked her own death and
disappeared in 1908.
Serial killing is the act of murdering a selected victim, and continuing
through a series of murders of the same type of person, in the same way.
of Serial Killing:
There are three types of serial killers, including the Visionary Motive
Type, Mission-Oriented Type and Thrill-Oriented Type.
Motive Type: The visionary
motive type is considered insane or psychotic. They often hear voices in
their head telling them to commit a crime. They may also dream or fantasize
about murdering.
Type: The mission-oriented
type displays no insaneness to the outside world, while on the inside the
killer has a need to get rid of people he hates.
Type: The thrill-oriented
type is in it just for fun. The killer gets his excitement from killing.
The most common characteristics of a serial killer include having low self
confidence, experiencing feelings of excitement when thinking of murder,
extreme hate for a person or group of people, aggressiveness and discreetness.
An example of a serial killer is Robert Hansen, who moved to Anchorage
from Idaho from a childhood of shyness and indifference. He began a career
in the murder of prostitutes and exotic dancers. His method of murdering
was very unique. He would lure victims into joining him on a private plane
trip, where he would transport the victims by air to a deserted lot, where
they were raped and murdered. It took three years for authorities to capture
the slayer, when he confessed to seventeen murders. He was sentenced to
461 years in prison.
Honor killing is the murdering of Arab women by male family members who
believe they has brought shame into the family. Although it is not common
in all Arab countries, there have been many of them.
is said that honor killing is done as a tribal tradition, and not as an
Islamic one. It is not mentioned anywhere in the Islamic religion and is
considered a crime.
men believe that if a woman has done anything sexual, she must be killed
by a member of her family to regain the honor of the family.
An example of honor killing is one that occurred in Israel, where a woman
named Ibtihaz Hasoun was accused of shaming her family by coming home pregnant,
and was stabbed to death by her brother.
the punishment of these murderers has not been harsh enough, the awareness
of honor killing is increasing and more people are interested in it, therefore
consequences are becoming stricter.
Child murder is the murder of a young person between the age of infantile
and teen.
There are many reasons for child murder, each one separately unique. However,
most child murderers find pleasure in killing young, helpless kids.
An example of child murder is that of JonBenet Ramsey, who was murdered
in her own home by an unknown killer. Many people believed the murderer
was one of her parents, but no evidence could support that theory.
case of murder that happened in Lebanon was that of Catholic Maronite nun
Antoinette Zeidan, who was found strangled on a roadside. The murder increased
Christian-Muslim tensions in the country.
case of murder was that of Aisha Aisha, who was murdered by Fadi Maraash,
her neighbor, who murdered her by strangulation after persuading her to
go for a walk with him. Although Maraash was found mentally ill, he was
still sentenced to life in prison.
murderer known as Khaled Shayeb was sentenced to death after being charged
with the kidnapping and murder of Mahmoud Dimasi and Baria Halabi, and
the murder of Kamal Shayeb in Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. He
was also convicted of kidnapping Jihad Ashqar.
for Murder
Problems: There may
be many reasons that a person might have for murdering people. Usually,
the killer suffers from psychotic or mental illnesses. At other times,
the killer may have a rough background.
the reasons for committing such horrible crimes date back to problems during
childhood, or certain events that happened that brought hatred to their
hearts and evil to their brains.
Parenting: It has been
statistically proven that most murderers have a cruel past in which the
parents were divorced, faced drug problems, abused their children or left
the family, which may lead to psychological problems in the child’s mind.
Other reasons may be lack of self-esteem and love for life. A numerous
amount of murderers are suffering from depression and anxiety.
Murder in Lebanon
Parents should educate their children on being responsible and they should
teach them beliefs and moral values of life.
School and education allows children to make social contact with others
and gives them a sense of belonging and boosts their self-esteem.
Severe punishment of murder crimes can cause the murderer to realize how
serious the crime is and how severe the consequences are.
topic “Murder” is subdivided into several categories, which include serial
killing, mass murders, honor killing, and child murder.
occurs all around the world, and there are few ways to stop it.
is a horrible, cruel crime that should be terminated, despite the time
it will take.
stop acts of murder once and for all, I think parents should educate their
children well and teach them values as well as beliefs, which will give
them the sense of what is right and wrong, and thus they will turn out
to be sophisticated, successful leaders instead of low-esteemed murderers
with mental problems.
purpose of choosing “Murder” as my topic is to promote public awareness
to fellow classmates. Another reason is to analyze all aspects of murder
and share my research with others who may be interested in the topic. Murder
is not always talked about openly with young students, however my goal
is to educate Lebanese children about the topic while they are at an early
age. This will hopefully teach them to be better people and to realize
how cruel murder can be.
by definition, is the crime of unlawfully and brutally killing a person.
Many may not realize how serious murder can be, or how often it occurs
in the world. However, murder can be found everywhere, from the safest
neighborhood to the busiest city. Killing an innocent, or a guilty person
for that matter, without having the right to, is plain murder. Although
it may seem difficult, there are ways to prevent murder. Good parenting,
schooling and strict consequences are only three of the many ways to stop
murder. There are many types of murder, and each has its own consequences.
the main murder categories that are popular nowadays include mass murder,
serial killing, honor killing, and child murder.
Murder: The first
type of murder is mass murder, which is common all over the world and is
known to most people.
Mass murder is the act of killing a large amount of people by the same
person, or group of people.
of Mass Murder: There
are two main kinds of mass murderers. The first is the family annihilators,
which are people who believe that murdering both their family and themselves
will make them better parents or family members in heaven. The second type
is the disgruntled workers, who are workers and employers who are not satisfied
with their jobs and co-workers or bosses, and decide to murder them.
Reasons: The reasons
for mass murderers to attack have been researched over a long period of
time. Finally, law officials have come up with common reasons for such
murders, which include unemployment, loneliness, family breakup, and low
self-esteem. Mass murderers usually attack schools, universities and restaurants,
believing them to be ideal places to kill many people at once. Most mass
murderers commit suicide after their first attack.
A famous example of a mass murderer is Belle Gunness, who is famous for
slaying fourteen men who wanted to marry her. She then faked her own death
and disappeared in 1908, a long time ago. Mass murdering is one important
type of murder, of many others.
Killing: The second
type of murder is serial killing, which is common in many countries, including
America, Australia, France, and London.
Serial killing is defined as the act of murdering a selected victim, and
continuing through a series of murders of the same type of person, in the
same way.
of Serial Killers:
As such in mass murders, there are three types of serial killers. These
include the Visionary Motive Type, the Mission-Oriented Type, and the Thrill-Oriented
Type. The first type, the visionary motive type, is considered insane or
psychotic. These people often hear voices in their heads telling them to
commit a crime. They may also dream or fantasize about murder. The second
kind of serial murder is the mission-oriented type, which displays no insaneness
to the outside world, while on the inside the killer has a need to get
rid of people he hates. The last type, called the thrill-oriented type,
is when the killer murders just for fun. In this case, the murderer gets
an excitement from killing.
Characteristics: The
most common characteristics of a serial killer include having low self
confidence, experiencing feelings of excitement when thinking of murder,
having extreme hate for a person or group of people, aggressiveness and
discreetness. These characteristics have been thoroughly studied and proven.
An example of a serial killer is Robert Hansen, who moved from his home
in Idaho to Anchorage, hoping to leave behind a childhood of shyness and
indifference. He began a career in the murder of prostitutes and exotic
dancers. His method of murdering was quite unique, compared to others.
He would lure victims into joining him on a private plane trip, where they
were raped and murdered. It took three years for authorities to capture
the slayer, when he confessed to seventeen murders. He was sentenced to
461 years in prison. Serial killing is the most common type of killing
known around the world.
Killing: A third
important aspect of murder is honor killing, which is unknown to many people.
Honor killing, unfortunately, occurs mostly in Arab countries.
It is the murder of Arab women by male family members who believe she has
brought shame into the family. Although it is not common in all Arab countries,
there have been many of them. It is said that honor killing is don’t as
a tribal tradition, and not as an Islamic one, although some may disagree.
It is not, however, mentioned anywhere in the Islamic religion and is considered
a crime. Many Arab men believe that if a woman has done anything sexual
without the permission of her male family members, she must be killed by
one of the members to regain the honor of the family.
An example of honor killing is one that occurred in Israel, where a woman
named Ibtihaz Hasoun was accused of shaming her family by coming home pregnant,
and was stabbed to death by her brother. Although punishment of these murderers
has not been harsh enough, the awareness of honor killing is increasing
and more people are interested in it, therefore consequences are being
enhanced in countries such as Jordan, Palestine and Israel. Honor killing,
although relatively rare, has occurred in many Arab countries.
Murder: Child Murder
is yet another kind of murder that has increased in number over the last
Child murder is the murder of a young person between the age of infantile
and adolescence.
There are many reasons for child murder, each one separately unique. The
most common, however, are jealousy, failure to pay ransom, psychological
problems, detest for children, publicity and attention seeking murderers.
However, most child murderers just simply find pleasure in killing young,
helpless kids who are not likely able to fight back or understand what
is happening around them.
An example of child murder is that of JonBenet Ramsey, a six-year-old girl
who was murdered in her own home by an unknown killer. The case remains
unsolved due to a lack of evidence, however, many people believe the murderer
was one of her parents, but no evidence can support this theory. Punishment
of child murderers varies according to the severity of the crime. However,
most murders result to life in prison and hard labor. Child murder is a
horrible crime categorized under murder.
analyze the topic “Murder”, I have related it to the murders in Lebanon,
I have come up with possible reasons for murder, and finally, I have created
a list of ways to prevent murder.
in Lebanon: Although
not very common, there have been several cases of murder in Lebanon. One
case was that of Catholic Maronite nun Antoinette Zeidan, who was found
strangled on a roadside. The murder increased Christian and Muslim tensions
in the country. A second case of murder was that of Aisha Aisha, who was
murdered by Fadi Maraash, her neighbor, and strangled after being persuaded
to go for a walk with him. Although Maraash was found mentally ill, he
was still sentenced to life in prison. A serial killer known as Khaled
Shayeb was sentenced to death after being charged with the kidnapping and
murder of Mahmoud Dimasi and Baria Halabi, and the murder of Kamal Shayeb
in Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp. He was also convicted of kidnapping
Jihad Ashqar. In Fadi Mraash’s case, the reason behind his criminal record
was found to be hi mental illness. However, Khaled Shayeb murdered because
of his hatred and jealousy towards the victims. As for the case of the
nun, it is obvious that the murderer did it for religious reasons. Although
the punishment of murderers in Lebanon may not always be severe enough,
the government has increased awareness of the topic and is working on harsher
consequences for attempted and actual murder.
for Murder: There
may be many reasons that a person might have for murdering people.
Problems: Most of the
time, the killers suffer from psychotic or mental illnesses. They usually
also have no control over themselves and suffer from anxiety and depression.
Problems: At other
times, the killers may have rough backgrounds. Perhaps the reasons for
committing such horrible crimes date back to problems during childhood,
or certain times that could have brought hatred to their hearts and evil
to their brains. Also, indifference and shyness as well as no sense of
belonging have been found to be other problems.
Bad Parenting:
It has been statistically proven that most murderers have had a cruel past
in which their parents were divorced, faced drug problems, abused their
children or left the family, which may have lead to psychological problems
in the
child’s mind, that would soon lead to something more serious. I think the
most logical reason for all this could be the parents, for when a child
is raised properly into a descent family, where parents teach their children
values of life, the children grow to be responsible, successful people,
far away from murder. Alternately, however, if a child is brought up by
parents who do not devote their time towards their children and show care
and affection, the children will most probably turn out to lead cruel lives
in hatred for themselves, which might lead to murder and other terrifying
Other reasons may include lack of self-esteem and love for life. A numerous
amount of murderers suffer from depression and anxiety. Although there
are different reasons for each murderer, many may agree that having problems
during childhood is a main one.
Murder: Although
it may be hard to believe, there are ways to prevent murder.
It all begins with the parents. Good parenting is one way to stop it. Parents
should teach their children about the right and the wrong, and educate
them on responsibility as well as belief and religion. Children with problems
should be helped and recognized.
Another way to stop murder is in schools. Schooling and education are vital
in a child’s life. They teach him values and essentials in life. They also
give them a sense of belonging and promote social contact.
A third way to prevent murder and other dangerous crimes is to create strict
laws and punishment to those who murder. If a murderer-to-be realizes the
harsh consequences of the crime, he may back off and become afraid of getting
caught, or being punished. As you can see, there are many ways to help
prevent murder in the world.
conclusion, the topic “Murder” is subdivided into many categories that
occur today, such as serial killing, mass murder, honor killing, and child
murder. Murder occurs everywhere and although it may seem hard to stop
it, there are ways that may help. Education, good parenting and crucial
punishment are all ways that can help prevent killers from murdering innocent
people. Murder is a horrible, and cruel crime that should be terminated,
despite the time it will take. To stop acts of murder once and for all,
I think parents should educate their children well and teach them values
as well as beliefs, which will give them a sense of what is right and what
is wrong, and thus they will turn out to be sophisticated, successful leaders
instead of low-esteemed murderers with mental problems. Also, parents should
always make sure their child knows that he is loved and cared for.
Daily Star (online),,
1997-2001 The Daily Star (ISSN 1564-0310), archive, accessed 20/11/2001.
World News,, Domus
Enterprises, News Brief, accessed 20/11/2001.
Cable News Network, Inc, accessed 20/11/2001.
Mass Murder Website,,
Hiperaktiv (©Copyright 1998), accessed 20/11/2001
Killers Exposed,,
Serial Killer (c) 1999, accessed 20/11/2001.
Killers A-Z,,
author unknown, accessed 20/11/2001.
2001 Courtroom Television Network LLC, accessed 18/11/2001.
Pat O’Connor, accessed 19/11/2001.
Publishing Ltd (1998), Guinness Book of Records 1999 (S.A, Barcelona)
Publishing Ltd (1997), Guinness Book of Records 1998 (S.A,Barcelona)
(2000) In World Book Encyclopedia, (Vol.13, p.930), (Chicago, North Michigan)